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This section will explain the purpose of Construction Staking and Layout, the procedure to request a survey proposal, how our consultation process works, and any additional information needed to perform the survey.



What is Construction Staking and Layout?


Most new construction will require the preparation of a plan set that consists of standard drawings and site specific designs compiled by a number of professional consultants.  This plan set will usually include sections addressing Architecture, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Landscape Architecture, etc.  The elevations and measurements provided in the plan set need to be transferred onto the ground by providing stakes referencing the design component.  The act of providing stakes referencing proposed features is called Construction Staking.



What types of Construction Staking could I ask RM Meridian to Provide?


RM Meridian has performed Construction Staking and Layout Surveys for a wide variety of private and public clients. Our construction staking experience includes residential, commercial pad sites, and large land developments including wind energy, highway, airport, and infrastructure projects.  We utilize a wide range of instrumentation and software to provide efficient and thorough work flows from office calculations to field services.  Through market experience, we have developed processes that give us the ability to verify the constructibility of the plan set before mobilizing our crews.  Our professional staff will work proactively with your team to reduce down time due to plan set errors or omissions. 



How do I Request a Quote for Construction Staking?


To request a quote for Construction Staking, please contact our office by telephone at (303) 481-8567 and ask to speak with either the Director of Surveying or a Project Manager.  If you prefer to correspond electronically, you may submit a request by filling out the form located on our Contact Us page or utilize one of the email addresses provided.


In order to best serve you, we will need to know the address of the subject property at a minimum, and preferably also the legal description.  We will also want to know your deadline for receiving the receiving the proposal and also an estimated start date for the project.  In order to properly review the project before providing a proposal, we will also need to get access to an approved set of Construction Plans.  RM Meridian will provide you with a formal proposal that clearly and concisely outlines the scope of work to be performed, line item costs for each task, and a cost to perform the work.


Often it is unclear what survey product may best meet your needs.  Our team of experienced professionals is adept at discussing your property/project with you and assisting you in determining the best scope of services to ensure that your needs and expectations are met.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Standard Tasks


Horizontal & Vertical Control

Surveyor will establish project control referenced to the horizontal & vertical datum used to generate the construction plans.  Semi-permanent control will be established in strategic locations to facilitate their preservation throughout the life of the project.


Silt Fence

Alignment stakes for silt fence at ends and angle points and at approximate 200-foot intervals in between.  Grades are typically not provided for Silt Fence stakes.


Overlot Grading

Grade stakes will be provided at selected building corners, curb lines, top & toe of slope, drainage swales, and elsewhere throughout the site at approximate 100-foot grid intervals.  Establish hub & lath at each point referencing hub elevation and a cut/fill to final grade.  Provide grade offsets as required to reference design grade breaks. 


Pond Grading

Grade stakes will be provided for the placement and location of the proposed Detention or Retention Facility. A hub and lath will be supplied at an offset to the top of slope with a call to any grade breaks and the toe of slope area to ensure the proposed volume is achieved. Grades will be marked to finished grade


Sanitary Sewer

Grade and alignment stakes will be provided on offset at progressive intervals (station 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200…), as well as at manholes, wyes and end of services.  Grades are marked to invert of pipe, rim of manhole, and services will only be graded if the design grades are provided in the plans.


Water System

Grade and alignment stakes on offset at approx. 50-foot intervals, including ends and angle points, tee intersections, fire hydrants, service tees, and inline offset to end of services/curb stops.  Grades are marked to top of pipe for mainline and to mid-flange for fire hydrants. 


Storm Sewer

Grade and alignment stakes will be provided on offset at progressive intervals (station 0, 25, 50, 75,100, 150, 200…), as well as stakes for inlets/outlets, and manholes.  Inlets will be staked with offsets to outside of inlet on flowline.  Grades marked to invert of pipe and rim of manhole.


Curb & Gutter

Grade and alignment stakes will be provided on offset (typically 3 foot offset) at 25-foot intervals, and at ends, angle points, and PCs.  Grades will be marked to the top back of curb.


Concrete Trickle Channel

Grade and alignment stakes will be provided on offset (typically 3 foot offset) at 25-foot intervals, and at ends, angle points, PCs.  Grades will be marked to the top of the edge of concrete unless flowline grades are requested.


Bluetop Streets & Parking Areas

Bluetops to finished subgrade will be provided at 50-foot intervals along centerline of streets and at selected locations in parking areas.  Surveyor will work with your contractor to determine the proper subgrade based upon the paving report.


Retaining Walls

Grade and alignment stakes will be provided on offset at 25-foot intervals along walls, and at ends, angle points, steps in wall, and PCs.  Grades will be marked to the top and toe of wall or as defined in the construction plans.



Grade and alignment stakes will be provided on offset at 25-foot intervals along detached sidewalks, and at ends, angle points, and PCs.  Grades will be marked to the edge of concrete.


Utility As-Builts

Surveyor will perform an as-built survey of the wet utilities on the site including the sanitary sewer, water system, and storm sewer.  The horizontal locations and elevations of the new facilities will be provided to the Engineer of Record for their use in submitting the as-builts to the municipality.


Buildings (Grid Lines)

Grade & alignment stakes for proposed buildings on gridlines offset to nearest intersecting gridline.  If the building design does not dictate the use of gridlines, Surveyor will provide two offsets to each of the major building corners.  Two benchmarks will be provided at opposite corners of the building. Grades will be marked to the finished floor elevation. 


Office Computations

Office computations & preparation for staking is not bid as a line item cost as it is included in the cost of performing all of the work described herein.  We assume that AutoCad files of final construction plans will be provided at the direction of the client.



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